
May 31, 2012

California DECA Has Great Success at ICDC


Each year, California DECA members put endless hours, hard work, and yes, even a little blood from paper cuts into preparation for their competitive event. From practicing at district conferences to placing at the State Career Development Conference,California DECA members all dream of becoming champions at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC). This year’s conference was held in none other than Utah’s very own Salt Lake City. Each member gave it their all in their exam, role play, or written event and California DECA is proud of each and every member. To make it to ICDC is a herculean task in itself, and this year California brought over 300 DECA members to Salt Lake City. The nerves ran high after the events closed and everyone looked forward to Tuesday nights Grand Awards Session. This year California DECA brought home four 3rd place winners, one 2nd place winner, and eight International champions! California DECA congratulates each member who made it to Internationals and thanks them for doing an amazing job representing the Golden Coast State. Team California definitely rocked the stage at the 2012 ICDC!

About California DECA
California DECA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Career and Technical Student Organization, endorsed by the California Department of Education. With over 4,500 members in 59 schools throughout California, California DECA works to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. For more information about California DECA, visit


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California DECA