
May 24, 2012

Santa Monica Has Successful Year


This year, Santa Monica DECA has aspired higher, garnering many achievements and reaching a membership high. The chapter, located in Southern California, has run an on campus floral business for several years, dubbed Seflora. This project, which raises funds for the chapter, inspired a 30 page business plan, submitted to the UCLA Project Echo Business Plan Competition in March 2012. Their efforts gained them first place among thirty other high schools and a check for $1,000 for the expansion
of the business.
Santa Monica DECA has also attracted press to their chapter in order to raise awareness about DECA and the opportunities it offers. On April 26. 2012, President Jamila Haji and Vice President of Membership Noel Prasad represented the chapter on City TV, speaking on the impact DECA has had on
their lives. This provided the opportunity to inform many parents, students, and other community members about DECA, a goal the chapter has had throughout the year that has resulted in an increase in
membership, awareness, activities, opportunities, and even more benefits for their chapter.

About California DECA
California DECA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Career and Technical Student Organization, endorsed by the California Department of Education. With over 4,500 members in 59 schools throughout California, California DECA works to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. For more information about California DECA, visit


Contact Information
To learn more about this story, please contact:
California DECA