
February 14, 2013

Advocacy Campaign Month – Community Outreach Ideas


Although most chapter campaigns have come to an end, we still have the Advocacy Campaign, which comes to an end on March 1st! Part of the Advocacy Campaign is to complete three community outreach events.
Community outreach events for the campaign can vary widely. Here are a few possible events that your chapter can hold:

  1. Hold a fundraiser at a local restaurant. Chapters can contact restaurants in the local community and ask to have a fundraiser. Chapters then advertise their fundraising date and encourage students to attend.
  2. Tip jar: Chapters go around their hometown and ask business if they may leave a tip jar for their chapter. After a while, chapters then return and pick the tip jar back up.
  3. Service Events: Chapters may hold a coat drive or a benefit show. Chapters can also contact local libraries, hospitals, animal shelters, and senior citizen homes to see if they can do any volunteer work.
  4. Recruiting Business Members: Chapters can recruit business members from their community to become part of their DECA chapter. This would require going out into the local business community and talking to business owners.

Remember California DECA, these are just a few ideas! You are most decidedly not limited to these. Good luck with your advocacy campaign!

About California DECA
California DECA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Career and Technical Student Organization, endorsed by the California Department of Education. With over 4,500 members in 59 schools throughout California, California DECA works to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. For more information about California DECA, visit


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California DECA