Whether this will be your first or final time attending the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) as a participant, here are some quick reminders! Outlined below are 10 tips to keep in mind as we prepare for ICDC in Anaheim:
- You must have photo ID to compete at ICDC; event managers will be checking photo ID before you present.
- DECA professional dress is mandatory. Last year, event managers checked to see if competitors were wearing dress socks. A few unlucky individuals were not and had to run around asking to borrow socks from someone else. Do not put yourself in this situation! Also, DECA blazers are required.
- DECA time is 15 minutes early. Make sure you are on DECA time so you are not left behind!
- There will be over 14,000 students at ICDC. Make sure you have your chapter advisor’s phone number saved in your phone.
- The official hashtags for this conference are #decaicdc and #caicdc.
- Don’t forget to call/text your parents during the conference. You will be away from them for almost a week and they need to know how you are doing.
- There will be a California DECA state picture Saturday, April 26 at 7:50 at the Convention Center. Make sure to arrive on DECA time and in your California DECA state uniform.
- Have you attended ICDC before? Don’t forget to bring your pins from previous years!
- For the first time, California DECA will hold competitive event training AT ICDC! The session will be held Wednesday, April 24, 9:00-4:00 at the Disneyland Hotel. Attendance is mandatory!
- Need to reach your state officers during the conference? Call the California DECA State Officer Hotline! Just dial 657-3DE-CALI to reach your state officers at any point over the course of the conference.
Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!