Sacramento, California—April 8, 2014—Vice President of Public Relations Greg Chi and alumni Vice President of Northern California Byron Lo attended a hearing in the Sacramento capitol on a finance bill regarding the fate of funding for career and technical education in California.
In the past, state funding for Career and Technical Education (“CTE”) was granted to districts as a standalone funding entity. However, with the recent implementation of the Localized Control Funding Formula (“LCFF”), it is no longer obligatory for districts to direct funding specifically towards CTE’s. It was necessary for the state to reverse this decision and continue funding CTE’s to prevent the deterioration of these programs across California.
Both Greg and Byron testified the importance of Career and Technical Education in front of the legislative assembly subcommittee. They cited their DECA experiences and deliberated on how CTE’s such as DECA help students elevate their high school learning experience and prepare them to be successful in the future. They were accompanied by Mr. Fred Jones of the California Business Education Association, among other advocates of funding for CTE’s.
The legislative assembly unanimously voted to continue to support Californian CTE’s.
More information on the assembly hearing can be found at: