
April 25, 2014

Enter CTE contest and win cash prizes!


This year the California Association of Leaders in Career Preparation and the California Association of Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (CALCP/CAROCP) are hosting the Annual Career Technical Education(CTE) Fall Conference.
There is a contest to design the official program cover of the conference. The student chosen will also be lucky enough to receive special on-stage recognition. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, when students and administrators who are part of many career and technical organizations.  You can also win cash prizes!
As DECA is an career and technical student organization, all students enrolled in a Career and Technical Education class are eligible to compete in the contest. Full details about the contest are available here:
Cover Contest Announcement and Rules
Good luck, California DECA!

About California DECA
California DECA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Career and Technical Student Organization, endorsed by the California Department of Education. With over 4,500 members in 59 schools throughout California, California DECA works to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. For more information about California DECA, visit


Contact Information
To learn more about this story, please contact:
California DECA