
July 20, 2014

Planning for the Year Ahead


The State Officer Team creates an annual Strategic Communication Plan (SPC) to plan for the year ahead. As a chapter, we encourage you to create a similar thing.
After your chapter has chosen its chapter officers, the next step is to talk about the most important part of leading a chapter: your goals. And when selecting goals for your chapter, keep in mind these three main areas: advocacy, communication, and membership.
Some of your goals should deal with advocacy. This means planning to meet with legislatures and participating in networking activities within your community.
Secondly, you should cover communication. A great way to enhance communication within your chapter is through social media, possibly through creating a Twitter or Instagram for your chapter. Further, advocacy and communication can intersect to create partnerships by maintaining strong public relations with local businesses.
The final point to focus on with your goals is membership. In regards to members, remember quality as well as quantity. Having a large and driven DECA Chapter, with devoted and loyal members, is the key not only to chapter success, but also to competitive excellence.
With these three areas in mind, you’re on your way to the perfect Strategic Communication Plan for your chapter!

About California DECA
California DECA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Career and Technical Student Organization, endorsed by the California Department of Education. With over 4,500 members in 59 schools throughout California, California DECA works to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. For more information about California DECA, visit


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California DECA