Washington High School Banquet
Your State Officers recently attended the Washington High School Banquet in Northern California. Greg Chi, the Vice President of Public Relations, gave a speech, which was followed by State Awards recognizing all the students who attended the State Career Development Conference. Officer awards were presented to the past officers of Washington DECA congratulating them on their accomplishments and achievements for the year of 2013-2014. The new officers for the upcoming year of 2014-2015 were announced and congratulated by your State Officers:
President: Nishtha Bhatia
Vice President of Communications: Theresa Tong
Vice President of Membership: Felicia Liang
Vice President of Competitions: Kami Mak
Secretary: Rahul Sheth
Treasurer: Anirudh Veeraragavan
Publicity: Sumana Krishnakumar
Fundraising Committee: Shivani Singh & Jeffrey Yeung
The night ended with a slideshow of pictures highlighting the DECA year of 2013-2014, and a speech by the beloved chapter advisor Mr. Wu. California DECA would like to congratulate Washington High School DECA on all their accomplishments this year. Keep up the good work!