Ahhh, you’re sitting on the beach, drinking that refreshing coconut, and there’s a nice tropical breeze. *RING* *RING* *RING*. Oh drats, it’s the alarm and while your dream of that tropical paradise is over, your dream for #DECAGlass is still as real as ever. And it’s totally achievable too, in fact, now is the best time to get a head start and make that dream a reality!
As school and your DECA chapter begin to turn their gears again, here are some tips to kickstart this #Limitless year!
- Start marketing your chapter and recruit new members! Even if you’re not an officer, help spread the DECA spirit by wearing your DECA tees, helping with your school’s “club rush,” and visiting classes to tell your peers about your amazing time in DECA.
- Looking for an attention-getter for your DECA booth? Ditch those flyers and instead get some half sheet shipping labels and print out whimsical DECA ties with the DECA logo, and make sure to write how people can join! Feel free to reach out to me for a template.
- Have a conversation with your advisor(s) and officers about what conferences you are planning to attend this year. Whether that’s LDC, WRLC, Districts, SCDC, or of course, ICDC, be sure to have a conversation about this and set your goals now.
- September is a great time to start fundraising! Whether that’s selling hot chocolate, hosting a bake sale, or executing a burrito-delivery service, it’s a great time to start fundraising for your chapter.
- Pro tip – Visit DECADirect and the California DECA blog frequently for updates on new fundraising ideas!
- Practice! Practice! Practice! Oh wait, I think I forgot something, oh yeah, it’s Practice! Start seeking out your partner if you need one and practice doing interviews, role plays, exams, or even start typing that 30 page report on how to monetize sleep.
- Depending on your chapter size, having a “mini-con,” or a miniature practice conference can be a great way to get into the zone and get some practice in.
- Online events and video challenges aren’t something to laugh at nor ignore. Take a look now and see if any events you might be interested in; it might be your ticket to #DECAICDC. Be sure to consult with your advisor first before doing these.
- Now is a great time to earn those colorful ribbons at the bottom of your name badges at #DECAICDC, though I prefer to call them Chapter Campaigns. There are a wide variety of campaigns for your chapter to participate in and I encourage you to attempt them all; they could be another first class ticket to #DECAICDC.
- Achievement Challenges are monthly challenges you complete as a chapter and compete against other chapters to stand out and be recognized. Take part in these, and bring home that #CAGold!
- Lastly, be sure to bring on the spirit to your campus; wear your DECA shirts with pride and try out some back to school swag from Shop DECA.
Whatever feat your chapter is embarking on this year, we, your state officers, are here to support all of you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to us on social media or contact us with any questions or suggestions you may have.
You can also request an in person visit from us or a virtual call with any of us. And remember, have a #Limitless year!