The California DECA December Press Kit
Articles from the Chapters
DVHS DECA Middle School Program: DVHS DECA BOOST
Rithik Rajani, Dougherty Valley High School DECA
This year, DVHS DECA decided to launch a middle school program called DVHS DECA BOOST. BOOST means Business Occupation Oriented Student Training. DVHS DECA BOOST President, Rithik Rajani, launched the program in October 2016. The program is meant as a high school DECA preparation program for students in 6th to 8th grade.
The program has two main elements: Weekly training sessions and monthly mini conferences. Students in the program go to Dougherty Valley High School every Wednesday for a training session on a new topic. Student instructors – mentors currently in DVHS DECA, create presentations and teaching materials in advance, and teach the students throughout the 1 hour session. Topics taught range from impromptu speaking skills to different types of businesses. The other element of the program, monthly mini conferences, help simulate the DECA environment and expose students to competition. Like a DECA conference, students are able to compete in a modified roleplay event in which the evaluation focuses on content and speaking skills. Awards are issued at the end of each conference based on who scored best on two cumulative roleplay scores.
Due to the huge interest in the program, a selective application process was used to determine who would gain admission into the program. Within its first year, the program had over 200 applicants from two different middle schools. Through the application process, the DVHS DECA BOOST team was able to narrow the program down to seventy five students. Essentially, due to the high interest of the program, DVHS DECA BOOST had around a thirty five percent acceptance rate within its first year!
This program truly helps build membership for future DVHS DECA members. Throughout the program, students will be able to solidify their interest in DECA and be more likely to take the required CTE courses in high school. The long term benefits of this program will allow for an increase in DVHS DECA members due to the interest built throughout the course of the program.
The DVHS DECA BOOST Program has created a new opportunity for middle schoolers and DVHS DECA. Middle schoolers are able to gain applicable skills ranging from business knowledge to speaking skills, while DVHS DECA is able to recruit new members and have a bigger impact on its community. DVHS DECA has been able to create volunteering opportunities through student instructors and make a presence within its two local middle schools. Ultimately, the program has been a huge success and had a wide range of benefits.
For more information, contact
MLK DECA’S Eventful December
Aislin Liu, Martin Luther King High School DECA
In the month of December, MLK DECA planned a calendar chock-full of events. Outside the Shop ‘til You Drop and the Holiday Fundraiser activities, were two socials – a Star Wars Movie Social on the 9th and the annual Holiday Social on the 17th. Both events received a massive turnout and were extremely well planned by the committees led by the Commissioner of Socials.
Additionally, the Vice President of Competition held two competition workshops on the 13th and the 21st to sharpen member’s competitive skills and allow for extra practice before the District Conference in January. Most notably, at the monthly chapter meeting, new members were sworn into the DECA organization and initiated as members of the MLK DECA chapter.
For more information, contact MLK DECA at
Washington-Irvington Minicon
Ananth Mahes, Washington High School DECA
With NorCal CDC less than two weeks away, both Washington High School DECA and Irvington DECA sought to get a head start. On December 18th, the schools hosted the third annual Mini-Conference. With over 60 new members in each chapter, it was a great introduction to their DECA experience. They started off by taking a 100 question Career Cluster Exam, followed by a roleplay presentation. Members also attended two workshops teaching them the essentials of a roleplay. The workshops were centered around different aspects of presentations and skills involved when presenting. By giving impromptu speeches on various topics, members gained hands on experience of a real DECA competition. The top three members from each event received medals for them to rejoice as they worked their way to NorCal CDC!
For more information, contact Washington DECA at
DVHS DECA Mini Conference: #DVDevelop
Smitha Priya, Dougherty Valley High School DECA
DVHS DECA held its first Mini Conference on November 16th . Competitors from over 5 high schools were able to prepare for the district and state conference, while meeting new CA DECA members. Like a normal DECA conference, students were able to take a DECA exam and perform a roleplay to try and place in their respective events. The event was a huge success due to the huge turnout and entertaining workshops.
State officers Yash Desai and Lenexa Gonsalves also attended and held an educational session for all DECA members who attended. At the session, members were able to learn about introducing themselves to others and impromptu speaking. Together, the state officers held an effective session which entertained DECA members and taught them new skills.
Essentially, the conference allowed new members to gain new information about business while building their DECA competition skills. They were able to gain practice for the district, state, and ICDC conference through the workshop and simulated events. Click here to watch a video of the action.
For more information, contact
Shop ‘til You Drop!
Aislin Liu, Martin Luther King High School DECA
This year on December 1st, continuing the tradition from past years, the MLK student store held a sale event similar to that of Black Friday. A variety of King gear was on sale for discounted prices. Additionally, neighborhood business owners were invited as vendors, setting up booths and selling their craftsmanship to King families.
DECA members worked at the event, thus experiencing what it is like to work in retail sales, ensuring clothes were folded well and organized in an easily understandable way. Furthermore, they helped answer customer questions, direct them to the register, and learned how to ring up customer’s purchases.
Additionally, each vendor donated items such as handbags, artwork, and premier honey to a Silent Auction fundraiser in which all proceeds would go to Loma Linda Cancer Center. Tickets could be purchased and thrown into the raffle for the various prizes. The fundraiser raised over $100 for the Loma Linda Cancer Center! MLK DECA solidifies the importance of giving back to the community.
For more information, contact MLK DECA at
California DECA December Newsletter
State Officer Teams Finishes Annual Report
As the State Officer Team’s term in office draws to an end, California DECA Team 66 is completing the final touches on this year’s Annual Report. This report encapsulates all that the team has accomplished throughout the year, and allows for advisors to get a better look at what is going on throughout the association. Be sure to be on the lookout for the Annual Report coming to you soon!
District Competitions Ready to Go
The start of DECA competition season is almost upon us! California DECA Team 66 has been busily preparing for the three district conferences which will be attended by over 1,800 members and advisors from across the state. These conferences are the basis of California DECA and set a strong precedent for the year to come.