Dear California DECA Members and Partners:
Wow, it has been quite a year! It is with great pleasure that I present California DECA’s 2016-2017 Annual Report. The report includes key information on the State Officer Team’s activities this past year and stories on how California DECA remains a life-changing Career and Technical Student Organization.
For 66 years, California DECA has been preparing the next generation of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. Through our comprehensive competitive events program and integration into classroom curriculum, students are learning the skills necessary to lead in the 21st Century business world.
In 2016, California successfully defended its title as one of the top 3 competitive associations in the world, with great success at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Nashville, Tennessee. California students took home eight 1st place trophies, an all-time high of 25 top 3 finishes, and 54 top 10 overall finishes.
Competition aside, we have broken new ground on enhancing our organization for all our members. We focused on an increased presence through social media and public relations; reaching out to our members and partners in the business world. The state officer team also focused on using videos as an
effective way of spreading messages, including creative concepts such as a spy movie trailer to promote ICDC. We’ve also furthered our relationships with numerous legislators and elected officials, including many U.S. Senators, U.S. Representatives, State Senators, and Assembly members.
We thank every single one of our members, partners, and legislators for your continued support of California DECA. Together, we are making an impact on thousands of high school students and our society of tomorrow. We’ve learned and gained so much, and we’re each excited to Own Our Futures!
Moksh Jawa,
State President
Click here to download the 2016-2017 California DECA Annual Report