Message From the President
With the 2018 State Career Development Conference right around the corner, the state officer team is reluctantly saying its last goodbyes. Team 67 is thankful for a year filled with incredible members, experiences, and learning opportunities, and we await with bated breath for what Team 68 accomplishes for this organization.
Team 67’s Annual Report
Team 67 has been hard at work developing our Annual Report for the 2017-2018 year. From competition to social media, from advocacy to chapter outreach, we are proud to say that California DECA has continued to change the lives of 4,000+ emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.
Below is a statement from David Xu, our State President:
“Dear members and partners of California DECA,
It feels just like yesterday that I heard my name called as I realized I’d have the honor of serving as your 2017-2018 State President. Fast forward one year, it still doesn’t feel real knowing that my term is coming to an end. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all those who have made this journey so incredible for me and for countless members. None of this would have ever been possible without that support of the amazing volunteers, alumni, staff, and advisors. Thank you.
This year, the State Officer Team dedicated their efforts to create the most memorable experience for every member. We focused on drawing upon the feedback of the members and making improvements in any way we could. We worked to pass on the inspiration of past leaders and add our own personal touch to California DECA. With our term now in the history books, this report is intended to inform the most important stakeholders in this organization: its members.
It was a year of many new projects and the continuation of old favorites. Social media and marketing reached new heights as our various platforms engaged and connected with members like never before. We took advocacy to a new level; in addition to presenting in person at both our state and nation’s capitals, we worked to involve the members with the online and letter writing campaigns. Competition blossomed through our efforts in workshops, chapter visits, and mini-conferences, and the first year of the Northern California District Action Team was filled with countless successes for the Northern California region. Finally, through a brand-new chapter handbook, we worked to serve the members and build a unique and positive California DECA culture. With each new project and every new connection, we gave it all to make this year truly #Limitless.
David Xu”
Learn more about our complete Annual Report at #SCDC2018!
SCDC Social Media Challenge
SCDC is almost here, and California DECA is excited to introduce our #SCDC2018 Social Media Challenge! This year, we are dividing chapters into teams led by a state officer; assignments are posted on California DECA social media accounts. Post as many photos as you can on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and the team with the most collective posts wins! Here all the challenges:
Day 1:
- Picture with a state officer
- Picture with your whole chapter
Day 2:
- Picture with a Disney character
- Picture with a friend from a different school
Day 3:
- Picture with a medal or trophy
- Your favorite memory from #SCDC2018
Remember to use the hashtags #SCDC2018, #CAGold, and your team hashtag (#TeamGuo, #TeamDavid, #TeamJTS, #TeamAsh, #TeamChris, and #TeamDragon), and tag @CaliforniaDECA in all of your posts! Happy posting!