
May 20, 2021

California DECA Members Achieve Next Level Results at International Conference

Author: California DECA

During the past three weeks, California DECA members who qualified at States had the chance to demonstrate their business skills at the International Career Development Conference. ICDC comprises many associations from around the world, allowing our members to participate with the brightest leaders. California DECA performed exceptionally at the international level with over 60 teams placing in the top ten internationally at ICDC 2021. The teams listed below placed in the top ten in their respective events.

Business Management and Administration Events:

Business Service Operations Research | Choi/Nguyen | Irvington High School

Business Solutions Project | Chan/Kathi/Song | Valley Christian High School

Career Development Project | Nagwekar/Subramanian | Irvington High School

Community Giving Project | Gangadharan/Sheth | Washington High School

Community Giving Project | Levkovic/Nair/Ould | Valley Christian High School

Financial Literacy Project | Govindu/Jain/Janczura | American High School

Human Resources Management Series | Sara Wan | The Harker School

Principles of Business Management and Administration | Ryan Liu | Mission San Jose High School

Sales Project | Naradasi/Prabhakaran | American High School

Entrepreneurship Events:

Business Growth Plan | Tim Jing | Lynbrook High School

Entrepreneurship Series | Emma Lee | Torrey Pines High School

Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making | Tan/Zhou | The Harker School

Franchise Business Plan | Mishra/Pai/Rai | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

Innovation Plan | Kulshreshtha/Ranjan | Monta Vista High School

Start-Up Business Plan | Wang/Zhou | Torrey Pines High School

Virtual Business Challenge – Entrepreneurship | Cindy Wang/Michelle Sun/Cynthia Zhi | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

VBC – Entrepreneurship | Anya Raju/Sophia Cha | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

VBC – Entrepreneurship | Zhenda Hu/Anakin Trotter | Monta Vista High School

Finance and PFL Events:

Financial Consulting | Krithik Srinivasan | Monta Vista High School

Financial Services Team Decision Making | Dua/Shah | Irvington High School

Financial Services Team Decision Making | Dong/Gu | Henry M Gunn High School

Principles of Finance | Mridula Srinivasan | Monta Vista High School

Principles of Finance | Shridula Srinivasan | Monta Vista High School

Stock Market Game | Vishnu Nair | Foothill High School

Stock Market Game | Rishabh Rai | Mountain House High School

VBC Accounting | Gaby Tran | Lynbrook High School

VBC Accounting | Sasvath Ramachandran | The Harker School

Personal Financial Literacy | Amory Gao | Lynbrook High School

Personal Financial Literacy | Oliver Zhang | Castro Valley High School

VBC Personal Finance | Alexander Grindrod | Adrian Wilcox High School

VBC Personal Finance | Grant Horowitz | Granada Hills Charter High School

VBC Personal Finance | Arjun Kumar | Lynbrook High School

Hospitality and Tourism Events:

Hospitality Services Team Decision Making | Balaji/Enduri | Lynbrook High School

Hospitality Services Team Decision Making | Singhvi/Sun | The Harker School

Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research | Varma/Vempati | Irvington High School

Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling | Nathaniel Shin | North Hollywood High School

Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling | Rhea Jain | Washington High School

Hotel and Lodging Management Series | Vienna Parnell | The Harker School

Principles of Hospitality and Tourism | Sonia Swamy | Monta Vista High School

Principles of Hospitality and Tourism | Claire Luo | The Harker School

Restaurant and Food Service Management Series | Adithi Jawahar | Amador Valley High School

VBC Hotel Management | Su/Yuan/Dasari | Lynbrook High School

VBC Hotel Management | Sanved Doshi | Lynbrook High School

VBC Restaurant | Rohit Vasantha | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

VBC Restaurant | Arjun Iyer/Mehul Goel/Aakash Kapadia | Lynbrook High School

Marketing Events:

Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series | Kavya Patel | Monta Vista High School

Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making | Garg/Vajragiri | Irvington High School

Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making | Roshan/Zulkarnain | Irvington High School

Integrated Marketing Campaign – Event | Merchia/Wang | The Harker School

Integrated Marketing Campaign – Service | Olivia Ho | Monta Vista High School

Marketing Communication Series | Seeun (Sarah) Min | Dublin High School

Marketing Management Team Decision Making | Antony/Hoang | The Harker School

Principles of Marketing | Rachael Ding | Monta Vista High School

Professional Selling | Aahaan Bandopadhyay | Lynbrook High School

Professional Selling | Alena Zeng | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series | Bryan Zhang | The Harker School

Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research | Chen/Zhu | Mission San Jose High School

Virtual Business Challenge – Retail | Dhruva Paul/Pranav Singh/Siddhartha Rachabathuni | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

Virtual Business Challenge – Retail | Manan Patel | Washington High School


At the 2021 International Career Development Conference, several California DECA members went to the Next Level by placing in the top three internationally in their event. The teams listed below placed in the top three in their respective events.

Business Management and Administration Events:

Business Solutions Project | Chan/Kathi/Song | Valley Christian High School | 3rd

Entrepreneurship Events:

VBC Entrepreneurship | Hu/Trotter | Monta Vista High School | 3rd

Finance and PFL Events:

VBC Accounting | Gaby Tran | Lynbrook High School | 3rd

VBC Personal Finance | Grant Horowitz | Granada Hills Charter High School | 2nd

Personal Financial Literacy | Amory Gao | Lynbrook High School | 1st

VBC Accounting | Sasvath Ramachandran | The Harker School | 1st

Hospitality and Tourism Events:

VBC Restaurant | Iyer/Goel/Kapadia | Lynbrook High School | 2nd

Hospitality Services Team Decision Making | Singhvi/Sun | The Harker School | 1st

Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research | Varma/Vempati | Irvington High School | 1st

VBC Hotel Management | Su/Yuan/Dasari | Lynbrook High School | 1st

Marketing Events:

Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research | Chen/Zhu | Mission San Jose High School | 3rd

Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making | Garg/Vajragiri | Irvington High School | 3rd

Marketing Management Team Decision Making | Antony/Hoang | The Harker School | 2nd

VBC Retail | Paul/Singh/Rachabathuni | BASIS | 2nd

Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series | Kavya Patel | Monta Vista High School | 1st

Principles of Marketing | Rachel Ding | Monta Vista High School | 1st

About California DECA
California DECA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Career and Technical Student Organization, endorsed by the California Department of Education. With over 4,500 members in 59 schools throughout California, California DECA works to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. For more information about California DECA, visit


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To learn more about this story, please contact:
California DECA