Albert Zeng is a Junior from Monta Vista High School and is thrilled to serve as your 2015-2016 State President. Hearing about DECA as a freshman, Albert was initially unsure if joining DECA was right for him. Now, after 2 years of meeting incredible people and making unforgettable memories at district, state, and international conferences, he looks back on his decision as the best choice he has ever made. Throughout his DECA journey, Albert has served as a chapter officer, increasing membership and boosting competitive excellence; a Silicon Valley DECA County VP, connecting with different chapters and encouraging the growth of new chapters; and a District President as well, increasing attendance at the Silicon Valley leadership conference by 40%. Albert is excited to continue connecting with members and utilizing his experience to take the State to even greater heights.
Albert enjoys helping others in his free time and does work in the community. He is privileged to serve as the President of HEARTS, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing education to underprivileged children all around the world. Albert’s hobbies include figure skating, watching wildlife, and reading random Wikipedia pages. Though he loves all animals, his favorite animal is the Canada Goose, a bird that can be found in many parks near his home.
Albert is extremely appreciative of the support he receives from his friends, family, chapter, and chapter advisor, Carl Schmidt. Albert is ecstatic to serve California DECA and looks forward to making our state excel!