
June 10, 2014

Year In Review: 2013-2014


As the 2013-2014 year draws to a close, let’s look back on the amazing feats we collectively accomplished this year. The many successes we attained as a state association are reflective of our growing spirit and potential, and it is important that we celebrate these moments, which will serve as the foundation for even greater growth in the upcoming year.
As a state, we increased our membership once again with over 4,600 members, establishing 21 new chapters: seven in Southern California, four in Northern California, and ten in Silicon Valley. Throughout the next year, we hope to increase our membership to an even greater extent so that we can work toward that 5th spot for qualification to ICDC!
Team 63, the state officer team leading through 2013-2014, left behind an amazing database of valuable resources for chapter officers. This set of resources is an extremely useful tool to augment how YOU, as a chapter member or officer, tell your DECA story and why you ARE DECA. This legacy project is an amazing accomplishment that we hope all our chapters will take advantage of in this upcoming year.
Our social media presence was astounding this year, especially through the promotional videos that Team 63 and Team 64 created for the 2014 State Career Development Conference and the 2014 International Career Development Conference, respectively. We gained the attention of many other state associations, who view us as the role model in video promotions! Additionally, Team 64 was extremely successful at live tweeting during ICDC, announcing the members who placed from California to those who were not physically with us in Atlanta with virtually no delay.
Finally, we broke yet another record this year at ICDC in terms of competitive success. With 40 students placing in the Top 10—16 in the Top 3 and taking home a plaque—this year was our most successful yet. We are extremely proud of this accomplishment, and we challenge you to break this record once again in 2015!
Congratulations California DECA for these amazing accomplishments that each and every one of you helped realize. We appreciate all of the support we have received from our advisors, parents, professional members, alumni, students, and corporate partners. Throughout the coming months, California DECA is excited to release a new set of goals for the upcoming year that will encompass our new DECA theme: I am DECA. We challenge you to make the best out of this summer, and come up with your DECA story and why YOU ARE DECA!


About California DECA
California DECA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Career and Technical Student Organization, endorsed by the California Department of Education. With over 4,500 members in 59 schools throughout California, California DECA works to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. For more information about California DECA, visit


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California DECA